Next available events

Centering: Pelvis and Core Integration

25 May, 2025 - 30 May, 2025

Centering: Pelvis and Core Integration

Centering: Pelvis and Core Integration

08 Dec, 2025 - 14 Dec, 2025

Centering: Pelvis and Core Integration

Centering: Pelvis and Core Integration

19 Jul, 2026 - 24 Jul, 2026

Centering: Pelvis and Core Integration

Centering: Pelvis and Core Integration

02 Nov, 2026 - 08 Nov, 2026

Centering: Pelvis and Core Integration

  • Osho Leela, Gillingham
  • United Kingdom
  • Satyarthi Peloquin
  • Email Pavani
Centering: Pelvis and Core Integration

16 Aug, 2027 - 22 Aug, 2027

Centering: Pelvis and Core Integration

  • Home Shanti Home, Simiane La Rotonde
  • France
  • Satyarthi Peloquin
  • Email Pavani

Comprehensive Training Overview

This module focuses on evaluating, diagnosing, and treating pelvic imbalances through advanced movement and treatment techniques for core integration.

Core and Pelvic Techniques

  • Myofascial Dialoguing: Connect and release unconscious mental restrictions and blockages.
  • Pelvic Assessment and Alignment: Evaluate and achieve tissue release and pelvic alignment.
  • Deep Muscle Work: Treat relevant core myofascial and skeletal anatomy including the Gluteus Maximus, Medius, Minimus, the six deep lateral rotators, the abductor and adductor groups, and the Iliopsoas.

Emotional and Structural Integration

  • Emotional Connections: Understand how unresolved emotional issues affect physical posture and create holding patterns that disturb the balance of the pelvis and heart.
  • Pelvic Floor Integration: Explore the intricate roles of the pelvic floor and abdominal muscles in breathing, posture, and birthing, focusing on the "Psoas Muscle Complex" and its significant influence on whole-body breathing.

Holistic Approach and Emotional Integration

  • Comprehensive Treatment Plans: Design treatment plans to release somatic-emotional blocks and rebalance the pelvis-heart connection.
  • Breath and Body Integration: Employ breathing exercises to support whole-body wellness and integrate physiological responses throughout the body.

Holistic Approach and Emotional Integration

By the conclusion of this module, you will have a deep understanding of the pelvic region's role as the keystone of human structural balance and will be able to apply advanced treatment techniques for effective core integration.

How to participate with this training?

If you want to join this module, check the upcoming events occurring in France, Greece, Poland and England.

Next available events

Centering: Pelvis and Core Integration

25 May, 2025 - 30 May, 2025

Centering: Pelvis and Core Integration

Centering: Pelvis and Core Integration

08 Dec, 2025 - 14 Dec, 2025

Centering: Pelvis and Core Integration

Centering: Pelvis and Core Integration

19 Jul, 2026 - 24 Jul, 2026

Centering: Pelvis and Core Integration

Centering: Pelvis and Core Integration

02 Nov, 2026 - 08 Nov, 2026

Centering: Pelvis and Core Integration

  • Osho Leela, Gillingham
  • United Kingdom
  • Satyarthi Peloquin
  • Email Pavani
Centering: Pelvis and Core Integration

16 Aug, 2027 - 22 Aug, 2027

Centering: Pelvis and Core Integration

  • Home Shanti Home, Simiane La Rotonde
  • France
  • Satyarthi Peloquin
  • Email Pavani

Introducing our certified training organizers

Your training with Satyarthi will occur in France, Poland, or Greece and can only be booked through certified MER Organizers.

Elemental Bodywork

Elemental Bodywork

Elemental Bodywork organizes the trainings taking place in France, Greece and England.

Integral Body Institute

Integral Body Institute

Integral Body organizes the trainings taking place in Poland.

Important note
When you book your training module, you'll be directed to the official organizer's website to book your training with Satyarthi.

MER Students Reflections and Experiences of MER Training...

<span>MER</span> Students Reflections and Experiences of MER Training...

Satyarthi Peloquin is one of the most Holistic teachers in the field of Myofascial Release work. I have been studying with him for a few years and his teaching elevated my skills tremendously. Satyarthi brings complete understanding to the body, understanding not only of physiological and fascial anatomy but bringing depth of energetic and emotional fluidity, which results in amazing long lasting improvement for the clients.

Nisarga Eryk Dobosz,

I have experienced Myofascial Energetic Release (MER) as a very powerful method of connecting with my body and emotions. Although the bodywork method is deep the therapist is in communication and is continuously adjusting the pressure to what you feel comfortable with. The sessions help me integrate everything that is happening in my body. They help me to experience and let go of emotions, in a way that new insights and trauma release happens.

Rick Schifferstein,

Satyarthi embodies a keen knowledge of the workings of the human body as well as deep understanding of the bioenergetics. This in knowledge and understanding in combination with silence of a mediator creates one of the most profound, effective, intelligent and healing bodywork modalities.

Giten Tonkov,
California Redwood Forests, USA