Ulla Thordal

Ulla Thordal

Certified MER Practitioner

Ulla is living and working in Denmark. She is always looking for the good in people, finding the reason why things are the way they are. Her curious nature and desire to understand people really defines her both as a private person and as a body therapist. She is married to Brian since 2002 and has 4 children.

She works full time in her private practice in Denmark and has been a bodyworker since 2006. She loves meeting different people during her day, and takes her time to meet every one of her clients individually and give them what they need.

She started out as a Cranio-Sacral Therapist and practiced Cranio-Sacral Therapy for many years. In 2011 she started exploring the path of tantra with her husband and started to incorporate tantra into her work with people.
After meeting Satyarthi Peloquin, the creator of Myofascial Energetic Release (MER), she decided she wanted to learn this work from him. Already fascinated by the body, she could sense the healing potential of working with the fascia and the nervous system with both adults as well as kids. Feeling like a kid in a candy store she studied with and assisted Satyarthi in workshops in Poland, Greece, France and the Netherlands.
Now MER has become the main part of her work in her clinic and she is assisting Ketu and Roland with the new MER training in Denmark.

“My passion is that people are healthy both physically and mentally. My tools in my work are my hands and my heart. When I put my hands on people, they more or less start to work by themselves. My clients tell me that it is like my hands have their own heating system! It is so important that you find your own way in life. We all have a purpose to be here, bodywork is mine and you must find yours”.
