Eva Di Pierro
MER Practitioner in Training
- Italy - Turin, Milan
- bodyworktnt@gmail.com
- +393465163863
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I always felt like a kind of pioneer in my beautiful and conservative country: Italy.
My First value is freedom and my real life started around 20 years ago when I realized I was not free at all!
This awareness led me on a profound and transformative journey. Thanks to Tantra, Bodywork and coaching I learned to think less, feel more and trust my body and intuition.
Passionate about personal and spiritual growth my life purpose is to support and inspire people in their transformative journey, to live a full life…the life they really want. I found out that everything starts with the connection with our own body, our feelings, and our emotions.
“The body keeps the score” (Bessel Van Der Kolk) is my mantra. I felt in love with FASCIA six years ago and I certified as Myofascial energetic reliese (MER) bodyworker, thanks to my great teacher Satyarthi Peloquin.
My brand is “Re-connectyou” and I have mixed together all the tools and skills I have acquired by some of the best teachers and Mentors I’ve been trained by, in order to create the “conscious bodywork approach” in which I mix coaching and bodywork.
I’m part of the Primal-Childhood deconditioning Team of Puja Lepp and I facilitate the one day workshop “Primal: one day trauma informed”
I’am a tantric bodyworker and a Jungian coach