Ketu Bo & Ulla Thordal Ketu Bo & Ulla Thordal

Ketu Bo & Ulla Thordal


MER Scandinavia training in Denmark The MER Scandinavia training takes place in Osho Risk, which is a beautiful therapy center in Brædstrup in Denmark. They offer accommodation during the training.

Ketu Bø Ketu first trained as a therapist with Veeresh Yuson in the Osho Humaniversity in the Netherlands, specializing in bodywork, emotional expression, dance and movement. As a staff member he led workshops in the Humaniversity as well as internationally for many years. After studying Postural Integration body-psychotherapy he trained with Satyarthi  Peloquin to become a MER practitioner. Next to having his own therapy practice in the Netherlands he is now leading  the MER training in Scandinavia with Ulla Thordal. He graduated as a PAS (Postural Alignment Specialist) in the  Egoscue Method and is a NARM (Neuro Affective Relational Model) practitioner. He teaches group-dynamics and character-styles at Bodymind, the leading institute for body-oriented psychotherapy in the Netherlands. Ketu is passionate  about his work and has a profound interest in the connection between mind, body and soul. He draws from 30 years of  experience as a group leader, meditator, bodyworker, and therapist and meets people with warmth, curiosity and humor. By keeping his pulse on the latest research into fascia, the autonomic nervous system and the connection between them he keeps the MER training in Denmark up-to-date on what is happening in the world of bodywork. “Once you learn to ground in your body and to trust what you are feeling and experiencing there your life will take on a different quality and you will learn to live in the here-and-now, rather than being stuck in old patterns and traumas”.

Ulla is a MER certified practitioner and the organizer of the training in Scandinavia. Ulla is living and working in Denmark. She is always looking for the good in people, finding the reason why things are  the way they are. Her curious nature and desire to understand people really defines her both as a private person and as a body therapist. She is married to Brian since 2002 and has 4 children. Ulla works full Cme in her private pracCce in Denmark and has been a bodyworker since 2006. She loves meeCng different people during her day, and takes her Cme to meet every one of her clients individually and give them what they need. She started out as a Cranio-Sacral Therapist and pracCced cranio-sacral therapy for many years. In 2011 she started exploring the path of tantra with her husband and started to incorporate tantra into her work with people. AMer meeCng Satyarthi Peloquin, she decided to learn this work from him. Already fascinated by the body, she could sense the healing potenCal of working with the fascia and the nervous system with both adults as well as kids. Feeling like a kid in a candy store she studied with and assisted Satyarthi in workshops in Poland, Greece, France and the Netherlands. Now MER has become the main part of her work in her pracCce and she is now a part of the MER training in Denmark together with Ketu Bo.

“My passion is that people are healthy both physically and mentally. My tools in my work are my hands and my heart. When I put my hands on people, they more or less start to work by themselves. My clients tell me that it is like my hands have their own hea<ng system! It is so important that you find your own way in life. We all have a purpose to be here, bodywork is mine and you must find yours”.